Feathered Friends Snowbunting 0 degree down long (6’6) sleeping bag. Bag is a couple years old, but doesn’t see very regular use anymore. These bags will easily last 10+ years. There are two very small holes that have not lost any down through them but were taped to prevent any widening or loss of down (see pictures). There is some minor discoloration from desert sand. Otherwise kept in storage bag in closet for the life of the bag. Comes with storage bag and compressions bag.
Are you looking for a comfortable sleeping bag that will keep you warm in cold temperatures? If so, you might be interested in the NEMO Disco 15 Men’s Down Sleeping Bag! Additionally, it has a mummy shape, a reg left zip size, a blue color, and a nylon lining material. With a lightweight design and high-quality construction, this sleeping bag is sure to provide you with a cozy night’s sleep.