23 May 2024 @ 4:18 PM 

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag

Vintage The North Face Mummy Sleeping Bag Brown Tag With Storage Bag. The material tags have been cut out and there are a few small spots here and there nothing major. No holes, clean inside clean out side. There is also a name written on bag and on the storage bag. It will vary depending location. Please feel free to ask questions.

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Categories: vintage
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 23 May 2024 @ 04 18 PM


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