23 Sep 2024 @ 5:13 AM 

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

Kelty Varicom Military Delta Sleep System Intermediate & Patrol Bag + Bivy Cover

System appears to have been issued, but unused. Items are in new, unused condition. Includes intermediate cold weather bag, patrol bag, and bivy cover. No storage sacks are included.

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Categories: kelty
Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 23 Sep 2024 @ 05 13 AM


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