Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

Collectible Vintage Windy Pass Sleeping Bag by THE NORTH FACE

This vintage “Windy Pass” sleeping bag by The North Face is a must-have for any camping enthusiast or collector. The North Face makes quality gear, and this lightly used sleeping bag is still in excellent condition. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or just starting out, this collectible vintage sleeping bag is a great addition to your gear.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 20 Aug 2024 @ 04 56 PM

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