5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

5 Piece Modular Sleep System Army ACU Military Sleeping Bag ECW Used Good/VG

The different components allow you to add or remove layers based off of the surrounding weather conditions. Compression straps help conserve space for easier transport. This is a used set in good to very good condition.

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Posted By: admin
Last Edit: 09 Jul 2024 @ 03 33 PM

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