This sleeping bag is brand new never used. The plastic cover had deteriorated due to age. I unrolled it for the first time to take pictures. It is a little dusty from being stored. Please review all pictures.
Military Army sleeping bag is designed for extreme cold conditions with a mummy shape and down insulation. It is suitable for camping, emergencies, and any outdoor overnight adventure. It has a zipper and snap closure and is slightly used and very clean. The green sleeping bag features a polyester shell, down and polyester lining, and measures 83 inches in length and 28 inches in width. Made in the United States, it is a 3-season sleeping bag suitable for one person. Heavy duty US Military Duffle Bag Included.
Us army extreme cold sleeping bag. No rips, tears or stains. All snaps and zipper work great.
Sleeping bag might have some lint and blemishes here and there. Looks to be in pretty decent condition overall.
Good looking pre-owned mummy US military extreme cold weather sleeping bag. Looks to be in good shape but don’t take my word for it you be the judge! See pictures for items condition and description.
Get ready to brave the cold with this U. S Military Army Extreme Cold Weather Sleeping Bag! Designed for extreme cold temperatures, this sleeping bag is perfect for camping in harsh weather conditions. The mummy shape and down insulation type ensure that you will stay warm and cozy all night long. This one size sleeping bag is suitable for one person and comes in a classic military green color. The polyester shell material and down & polyester fill material make it durable and long-lasting. With a left zipper location, zipper and snap closure, and a length of 83 inches and width of 28 inches, this sleeping bag is perfect for all your camping needs.
All zippers and snaps work. Rare find, sleeping hoodie included. S Military Army sleeping bag is designed for extreme cold weather conditions, making it perfect for camping in harsh environments. The bag is made with a combination of poly and down materials, ensuring maximum insulation and warmth. The sleeping bag comes in a green color and is one size fits all. It is suitable for camping and hiking and is a must-have for anyone looking to stay warm and comfortable during their outdoor adventures.
I like to be? . And will reuse boxes on occasion. They will be clean and will be appropriate.